Kobe Bryant Motivational Speech

He has the same sort of fan following that Sachin Tendulkar has. Who among us doesn't ponder the meaning of life from time to time? Where we have been and where we will be in the future is pivotal to our growth. Steve Jobs explored this in his motivational speech at the Stanford Commencement Address. The speech is filled with personal stories from his own life that show how he worked his ass off to become a successful bodybuilder, movie star, and politician. Knowing that his audience was a bunch of high-achievers, he tailored his speech to them.

Well, if someone asks me the definition of success, I would say it’s a lifelong journey only if you are not too lazy to relax. Everybody in life wants success; especially students are always enthusiastic to get the best career option in their lives. But success has different meanings for different people depending upon their goals and desires.

Second is a story of adversity in which Jobs explains the issues he faced after being “fired” from Apple. Some people said life would always be chances, but for me life is all about choices. Receiving burns to 65% of her body, Turia’s grit, strength of mind and ability to overcome such huge adversity is an inspiration to all. Arunima survived a horrific robbery that resulted in extreme physical disabilities and was thought to have ended her athletic endeavours. A truly touching speech from Randy Pausch, who knew at the time of this speech that he had limited time left on earth . When the world beats you down, find a reason to get back up again.

In some ways, they’ve even helped her become a celebrity. This level of fame, however, is precisely where Obama’s similarity to celebrities ends. Beyond her speaking style, however, Robbins is also known for engaging with her audiences. In this speech, for instance, she not only picks an individual from her audience to highlight the overwhelming odds of simply being born . As there is a natural fact that respect is earned in years. A single act of unkindness or misfortune, may cost you loose the hard earned respect of years in a wink of eye.

Jim Carrey delivered a commencement speech at Maharishi University recently that went absolutely viral. You may know it as the one minute video that will change your life. They weren’t lying but they weren’t telling the whole truth because the speech was actually 28 minutes long. During the speech, Carrey talks about his father who wanted to be a comedian but decided to take the safe route and become an accountant. As it turns out, his father was laid off and his family ended up poor anyway. With that, Carrey tells us that you can still end up failing even if you play it safe so you might as well swing for the fences and do what you want to do.

Al Pacino’s speech from the American Football drama, Any Given Sunday, is next up on our list. "If I had mapped out my career when I was sitting where you are, I would have missed my career," she commented. What's more, Sandberg eschews the traditional wisdom of keeping emotions out of the workplace. For Sandberg, you need to care not only about what you're working on, but also who you're working with. And while the messages vary from speech to speech, they will put you in the optimal frame of mind for tackling and crushing your next big challenge.

Honestly, it’s fine doing something for yourself, but knowing that you’ve made your loved ones proud just makes everything feel 10 times better. This is one of the main messages from this motivational speech. This is perhaps the most important message from this motivational speech – it’s down to us to make the most of our limited time on earth. And this message, which everybody can get behind, is why we believe this is one of the best motivational speeches of all time. Steve Jobs, one of the key figures behind tech giant Apple’s success, is next up on our list of the best motivational speeches of all time. In J.K. Rowling's 2008 Harvard commencement speech, the Harry Potter author explored how two phenomena -- failure and imagination Never Give Up -- can be crucial to success.

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